July 7th-8th, 2020.
Description: As part of the training imparted by Kobus Inc Engineers, we met with Spiniello Companies at their site in Trenton NJ where they have been awarded a project by Trenton Water to remove a large number of old galvanized services. The purpose of this visit is to ensure our customers are fully trained on our Technology and Pipe Puller, that the best practices on Health and Safety are met and finally give advice from our own experience gained after years of pulling in different countries, materials and soil conditions.
All pipes removed were wither 3/4″ or 1″ galvanized steel and they were replaced with 3/4″ or 1″ copper. The typical lengths of the services were between 15 and 30 ft only between the main and curb stop. Driveways, soil and substrate varied from moist to dry, hard and compacted clay at depths of 4 to 6 ft.
Over ten services were replaced during the two-day training on site and large excavations were avoided and surface damage was kept to a minimum with holes averaging 3x4ft at main and 3x2ft at curb stop. The road remained closed due to the heavy machinery deployed and the fact that few crews worked simultaneously on various services at any given time.
Duration of actual pulls varied from 3 to 5 minutes depending on soil conditions. We utilized both the cables commercialized by Kobus Inc, the 14 mm (approx 9/16″) and the 10 mm (approx 3/8″) depending on lengths, service diameter and soil conditions to good effect.
Outcome: Whilst training, attention is always on H&S and supervision of the crews, therefore high productivity is not pursued. This is something the crews will gain with time and continuous use of The Kobus Pipe Puller. Nevertheless, due to the eagerness and commitment of the crew and management, over 10 services were replaced, and some innovative work performed. This innovation consisted of the extraction of one service but towed 2 services simultaneously, halving the amount of time from what it is a quick method already. Since there is no mandate to remove old pipes from the ground by Trenton Water, this seemed a good way forward to increase productivity.
Over the training period, we experienced no setbacks, cable failure nor Pipe Puller issues. No strikes with neighboring utilities were recorded either. Training was carried out by certified Kobus Inc Personnel with ample experience on the Pipe Puller and technique, ensuring safety standards were always in place .
Feed back: Spiniello has been continuing the Pipe Pulling since training was completed to good results, and productivity is already on the up to ensure timely completion of the targets set by Trenton Water.